Privacy Policy

OneCloud is committed to ensuring that your privacy and personal data are protected. We will use your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

The Information We Obtain and How We Use It

The information we obtain from you is generally necessary for us to provide you with services and design new services for your future use. For example, we need to know your company name, address and the services you buy from us to properly provide and invoice for those services or recommend how we can best serve you. We may also use information in our records to protect our customers, employees or property – for instance, to investigate fraud, harassment or other types of unlawful service activities involving OneCloud or other carriers that we do business with. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide this information to the government or third parties that make a lawful demand for it. We share information within our OneCloud companies to enable us to better understand our customers’ product and service needs, and to learn how to best design, develop, and package products and services to best meet those needs. Like any large business, we have structured our company to include a number of smaller companies.

Accuracy of the Information We Hold

We want to make sure the information we obtain and use about customers is accurate. To that end, we strive to verify that our customer records are correct. Much of this information is reflected in your monthly invoice. Furthermore you may view your records upon request. If you see an inaccuracy on your OneCloud invoice or in your records, and you let us know, we can correct it.

Security and Accountability

We have information systems that collect and store customer information in addition to systems that store our own business records. These systems have different types of security as appropriate for the information stored. OneCloud requires employees to keep customer information confidential and we hold them accountable for their actions.

Disclosure of Information Outside OneCloud

As a general rule, without your permission, OneCloud does not release confidential customer information to unaffiliated third parties. We will only disclose your personal data to third parties, who are not OneCloud group companies, in the following 4 exceptions:

1. To parties who are contractors providing services to assist OneCloud in performing the tasks for which we may legitimately use the data for example fulfilling orders, processing payment, or assisting our marketing activities. OneCloud guarantees that these parties are bound by confidentiality provisions that are no less strict than the confidentiality provisions in place between OneCloud and the customer.

2. When legally required to do so, for example in legal proceedings;

3. Where it is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations;

4. When we have your express consent to do so.

Privacy Over the Internet

The only individually identifiable information OneCloud obtains about individual visitors to our Web sites is information supplied voluntarily by the visitor. This means that you can visit our Web sites without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. To gauge the effectiveness of our Web sites, we do collect some non-individually-identifiable generic information about our visitors. Our Web servers automatically recognize a visitor’s Internet service provider, the IP address, the domain name, the type of browser, and the operating system. In addition to, which pages are viewed on our sites, the Web page you were on when you link to our sites, how much time a visitor spends on each page and other information related to the operation and interaction of OneCloud websites. This information does not reveal a visitor’s identity. We aggregate this information and use it to evaluate and improve our Web sites. You can choose to provide individually identifiable information to OneCloud in a number of ways through our Web sites – by ordering a service from us, sending us email, registering to receive news or information or applying for a job. When visitors supply information about themselves for a specific purpose, OneCloud uses the information for that purpose (such as to provide the information the visitor has requested or to consider a visitor for a particular job). In addition, when visitors use our websites to order services, or to request information about our services, we may use the individually identifiable information as we would use the same information obtained off-line – for example, to evaluate your service needs and contact you regarding additional services you may find useful. We do not sell or disclose individually identifiable information obtained on-line about our visitors, to anyone outside of OneCloud except as described above (when OneCloud is in a business relationship with an unaffiliated party and then under confidentiality restrictions) unless you specifically authorize it, it is required by law (including the service of subpoenas or court orders in either civil or criminal lawsuits), or disclosure is necessary to protect the safety of customers, employees or property. If you provide individually identifiable information to us in the context of an event OneCloud sponsors with another company, such as a contest, or if you register on a co-sponsored site or feature, you may also be providing the individually identifiable information to the co-sponsor. The OneCloud Web sites may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices employed by other sites. Other Web sites may have different privacy policies or no policy. Users should review the privacy policies of any Web site before providing personal information.

E-Mail Communications

OneCloud, or those with whom OneCloud has a business relationship, will use email to communicate with our customers, respond to visitors’ emails, or to inform about events or new products. If you do not want to receive emails about events or new products from OneCloud and/or those with whom OneCloud has a business relationship you can object thereto.

Update of this Privacy Statement

To improve the services it can offer you, OneCloud may opt to expand its capabilities for obtaining information about users in the future. OneCloud will update this privacy statement continually to ensure that you are aware of developments in this area. OneCloud is committed to maintaining the privacy of customer information. At OneCloud, your privacy is a priority. OneCloud is committed to maintaining the privacy of customer information. At OneCloud, your privacy is a priority. We can be reached via email or support tickets for all questions related to this Privacy Statement or any other privacy-related matter. OneCloud reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time in its sole and absolute discretion. Changes and modifications will be effective when posted and any use of the OneCloud Cloud and Services after the posting of any changes will be considered acceptance of those changes.